Unexpectedly, once a survivor kills the King Titan, the Homo Deus granted that survivor their status to become a Homo Deus for their actions even though the One Who Waits or Helena says they closed the gate to Homo Deus a long time ago. While being all powerful and all-knowing, Homo Deus have other abilities. Helena is the last Homo Deus whose mind hasn't crumbled yet.

These beings can rarely resurrect Humans. According to HLNA, they are energy-based beings who live in another reality and were an option of escape for humanity. Homo Deus are beings created to watch over the ARKs. When a certain signal is given from the Earth through a strange Tek machine via a Specimen Implantthis causes all ARKs to slowly descend onto earth, forming a giant seed that blooms over the Earth's wasteland, turning it into a blooming environment that it once was before the global-level extinction event, and eventually rid the raw, corrupt Element that has overgrown over it. These ARKs were sent up prior to a global-level extinction event in which Element wiped out the Humans. However, both sides ended up weakening themselves and Element, a substance both used during their war, had grown to critical masses and alarming growth rates. Currently, there are 7 official ARKs, 3 of which are canon and 4 of which are non-canon, as well as 2 additional maps.