Then type Control Panel in the box and press Enter. Here are the steps you need to follow to uninstall any particular programme: Also, if an application couldn’t be fixed, the best way to get rid of it is to uninstall it from your PC. Therefore, firstly you need to remove or repair the corrupted files from your system.
As you’ve learned earlier, the application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142) is caused due to the malfunctioning or the corruption of the application you are trying to use.
Click Repair All to fix all issues with Patented Technologies. Click on Start Scan button to find errors related to Windows. Download this PC Repair Tool rated as "Excellent" on. Attempting to launch from arma3.exe directly -> results in the following error dialogue.Our tool will quickly repair common computer errors, protect you from file or data loss, malware, trojans, hardware failure and optimize your PC to boost for maximum performance. Attempting to launch from launcher -> Launcher opens but selecting "Play" results in same as above. Attempting to launch from steam direct -> Nothing happens at all. Originally I copied my old steamapps folder to my new machine, all my other games worked except ARMA3. I have bought a new PC and I can't get ARMA3 to launch. I may have been ok if I went into steamapps and deleted what was left of the ARMA3 installation.ie the ARMA3 folder, therefore you can't assume the uninstall ARMA3 function deletes the entire installation.only the core game files. When I uninstalled ARMA3 it probably left these files, so hence they still existed when I re-downloaded the entire game. I guess this is a danger when copying your steamapps folder to another machine, it will pull across remanent files that may not be required. I believe this may have been created from my creative soundblaster\Alchemy software on my old machine. The next error was the ARMA3.exe error which detailed Dsound.dll as the issue. I stumbled on it by running 'eventvwr.msc' which highlighted an issue in my windows event logs\applications pointing to 'Creative Labs Sc' faulting. This issue ended up being a dsound.dll in the arma3 directory over-riding the one in system32 folder.